Julia Fractal Renderer

by Giacomo Nanni

Hi! Sorry for this not-so-fancy design, but this web application is to be intended more like an experiment about html and javascript. But hey, that doesn't mean this page isn't something you may enjoy surfing! First of all, excuse my english: I'm not very good with foreign languages! Then let me explain what this app is about! Because I know that the title may let you quite confused. What are Julia Fractals? They are mathematical structures that we can rapresent in a visual image obtaining some quite amazing results! Just, give it a try! Click the Elaborate Julia button below and see what happens. The shape is quite peculiar, isn't it? If you want to understand a little about this image, just keep on this link Learn More About Julia Sets!

This is my Julia program

Set your initial parameters and click the Elaborate Julia button

Set dimension for the final image
x (pixels)
Iteration escape point (higher values=better resolution, longer elaboration time)

This complex is the identifier of each Julia set: change it to change the shape of the set
+ i

After clicking the save button this link will be avaible to download your image